Source code for pruneabletree.pruner

"""Module containing `Pruner` class.
import numpy as np


[docs]class Pruner(object): """Base class for decision tree pruners. Warning: This class should not be used directly. Use derived classes instead. """ def __init__(self, tree): self.tree = tree
[docs] @staticmethod def num_actual_nodes(tree): """Returns the actual number of nodes in the given tree after pruning. This differs from the `tree.node_count` property, which contains the number of nodes before pruning. Updating this value would break other features since the underlying data structures still have their original sizes. Parameters ---------- tree : Tree object The underlying tree object of a DecisionTreeClassifier (e.g. `clf.tree_`). """ return (tree.n_node_samples > 0).sum()
[docs] @staticmethod def num_leaves(tree): """Returns the number of leaves. Parameters ---------- tree : Tree object The underlying tree object of a DecisionTreeClassifier (e.g. `clf.tree_`). """ return ((tree.n_node_samples > 0) & (tree.feature == INVALID_VALUE)).sum()
[docs] def num_instances(self, node_id, y_idx=None): """Returns the number of instances in a given node. If a class index is given, only returns the number of instances belonging to that class. Parameters ---------- node_id : int The ID of the node in the tree y_idx : int, optional The index of the class the instances should belong to. If provided, other classes are ignored. """ if y_idx is None: return sum(self.tree.value[node_id][0]) return self.tree.value[node_id][0][y_idx]
[docs] def is_leaf(self, node_id): """Returns True if the given node is a leaf. Parameters ---------- node_id : int The ID of the node in the tree """ return self.tree.children_left[node_id] == INVALID_NODEID
[docs] def leaf_prediction(self, node_id): #returns y_idx """Returns the class index of that the node with the given ID would predict. Parameters ---------- node_id : int The ID of the node in the tree """ values = self.tree.value[node_id] return np.argmax(values)
[docs] def to_leaf(self, node_id, depths): """Convert the node with the given ID to a leaf, pruning away its children. Parameters ---------- node_id : int The ID of the node in the tree depths : array of shape = [tree.node_count] Data structure that keeps track of the depth of each node. """ # print("Converting node {} to leaf.".format(node_id)) self._kill_node(self.tree.children_left[node_id], depths) self._kill_node(self.tree.children_right[node_id], depths) self._unlink_children(node_id) self.tree.feature[node_id] = INVALID_VALUE self.tree.impurity[node_id] = 0 self.tree.threshold[node_id] = INVALID_VALUE
#alternative: add to_leaf function in Cython #alternative: build new tree from scratch (add_node() exists) #alternative: get/edit/set state (every time or at end?) #alternative: compress state at end def _kill_node(self, node_id, depths): depths[node_id] = -1 if not self.is_leaf(node_id): self.to_leaf(node_id, depths) self.tree.n_node_samples[node_id] = 0 self.tree.value[node_id].fill(0) self.tree.weighted_n_node_samples[node_id] = 0 #TODO test with weights def _unlink_children(self, node_id): self.tree.children_left[node_id] = INVALID_NODEID self.tree.children_right[node_id] = INVALID_NODEID